New Uzbekistan: Presidential Elections and A New Electoral Worldview


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Presidential elections were held in Uzbekistan. The candidate from Uzbekistan Liberal Democratic Party Shavkat Mirziyoyev became the President Republic of Uzbekistan winning a second term with a majority 80, 1%.

Important features of the presidential elections

This is an essential point to underline the following features of the current presidential elections.

First of all, the presidential election took place in October after the amendment to Article 117 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the presidential elections were first held in October. It was for the first time because in the past according to the Basic Law elections took place on the first Sunday of the third decade of December. However, we should take into consideration that between six and seven million of citizens with the constitutional right to vote involved in the cotton picking season.

For that reason, it caused many troubles during the preparation of polling stations for voting under harsh winter days in the localities. Certainly, it decreases the opportunity for citizens to participate actively in the elections. Therefore, the current presidential elections took place in October and it provided an opportunity to find the solution for this issue and the citizens may vote under the convenient conditions.

As a result, 16,212,343 voters out of 20,158,907 voters, including compatriots who live abroad participated in the presidential elections. This is 80.4 percent of the total number of voters. This year 421 618 voters received also the opportunity for early voting from 14 to 20 October.

Secondly, the necessary conditions created for reliable protection of public health at the polling stations due to pandemy. The safety of the voters was a priority in the electoral process. The elections took place fully according to quarantine requirements in order to protect citizens from the coronavirus.

12,700,000 disposable medical masks, 21,500 liters of antiseptic and other types of protective and disinfecting materials delivered to the precinct election commissions in all districts. It is also important to note that almost all members of election commissions vaccinated and the only exception the members who were ill and had a contraindication to vaccination procedure.

Thirdly, the presidential elections took place on the basis of the Electoral Code, the electoral code adopted in 2019. This means that the Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan successfully tested in practice.

We should concentrate our attention on the fact that there a big positive transformation in national electoral legislation during the last five years. International and foreign experts state that they experienced the successful improvement of the electoral legislation in Uzbekistan and the practice of elections achieves a quite new and professional level.

Particularly, February 8 and May 31 of 2021 became the days of amendments and additions in the Electoral Code. The most important point of these amendments and additions were the ensuring of rights and guarantees for the participants in the electoral process. The conception of participants includes all voters, political parties, election commissions, the media, as well as national and international observers. The creation of the single electronic voter list is also the significant innovation.

The introduction of modern information technologies and the new information system for managing electoral processes became the reason of big improvements. As an example, 414 CCTV cameras installed at polling stations in all 207 districts and cities of the country. This is 147 percent more than in 2019, when the parliamentary elections took place in Uzbekistan.

In addition, an online demonstration of the voting process launched at all polling stations. This process continuously broadcast live at the official election portal of the Central Election Commission and also on the big screen at the building of the CEC Press Center, as well as on the Uzbekiston-24 TV channel.

Fourthly, the elections took place in a democratic atmosphere based on the principles of openness and transparency. The pre-election campaign had the spirit of the acute inter-party struggle, where presidential candidates from the different parties and movements actively compete with each other. They introduced their own program during the election campaigns in all regions of the country.

All presidential candidates received the right for 210 minutes of free airtime on the Uzbekiston-24, Uzbekiston, Yoshlar, Mahalla and Madaniyat vama’rifat TV channels. Television and radio broadcasts related to the election campaign broadcasted four times on each television and radio channel in a 150-second block for the candidates from all political parties. For this reason, the National TV and Radio Company of Uzbekistan allocated 1900 minutes on 13 regional TV channels.

The fifth feature was of great importance during the organization of the work of the Central Election Commission including in all district and precinct election commissions according to the requirements of the Electoral Code and the Program of the main measures for the preparation of the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They prepared and organized it very efficiently and democratically and according to the principles of legality, independence, objectivity, openness, transparency and public access.

We had to also emphasize about the creation of the equal and broad opportunities for all political parties and presidential candidates during the election campaign.

Sixth, the electoral process widely covered by the national media without any restrictions. The social networks were especially active and this factor contributed undoubtedly to the presidential elections and helped to the spirit of openness and transparency. The national electoral legislation absolutely meets the international standards, as well as all generally recognized democratic principles such as freedom and justice.

There were opportunities for the publications for each presidential candidate during the election campaign and they allocated five pages in the newspapers Yangi Uzbekiston, Pravda Vostoka, Khalk Suzi, Narodnoe Slovo, as well as 5.5 pages in the newspapers Ovozi tozhik “And” Nurly Zhol “. 26 local newspapers provided each candidate with 42 pages in all the regions of country.

Seventh, the first televised debates happened between the candidates and their representatives. This allowed voters to compare the ideas and programme and accept the right decision towards each candidate. All political parties express freely their views and opinions without any form of pressure and make new proposals and initiatives in order to transform the life of the state and society.

Eighth, presidential candidates were published 847,370 campaign posters reflecting the biography and election program in in Uzbek, Karakalpak, and Russian and for the first time in Tajik, Kazakh, Turkmen and Kyrgyz languages. Information about the candidates was regularly updated in all electronic monitors (421) installed throughout the country.

Ninth, campaign materials and ballots printed in Braille, as well as distributed in the form of audio recordings and provided with sign language translation for the full participation of citizens with disabilities in the elections. It was the powerful tool against any form of discrimination.

Tenth, a large number of representatives of civil society institutions, especially, makhallas, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, national cultural centers, and volunteers took an active part in all stages of the election campaign.

Eleventh, the election processes covered by 1,439 representatives of 197 domestic media and 233 international journalists from more than 140 foreign media. The total number of accredited people was 1672.

During the election campaign, over 76,000 materials published in foreign and national media tools. This is 34,000 more than in the 2019 parliamentary elections.

Twelfth, the elections directly monitored by 631 international observers from 20 prestigious international organizations, such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the CIS Inter parliamentary Assembly, the Cooperation Council Turkic-speaking states and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

In addition, 340 foreign observers from about 50 countries of the world took an active part in the observation of the electoral process. In total, there were 971 international and foreign observers.

Thirteenth, 64,450 representatives from five political parties and citizens’ self-government bodies actively observe and watch the electoral process.

Fourteenth, 299,780 citizens included in the voter lists received the opportunity to vote at 54 polling stations in 37 countries of the world. Previously, only officially registered citizens of Uzbekistan took part in the elections at consular missions.

However, the necessary conditions created during the current election for compatriots who live in 11 countries where our country does not have diplomatic missions. This means 380 additional mobile polling stations created in 149 cities of the world.

Fifteenth, significant voting figures noted at the presidential elections: 887,686 young men and women exercised their constitutional rights for the first time at their life, and on the other side, 22,000 of our compatriots gained firstly the right to participate in elections, since they received Uzbek citizenship.

This fundamentally proves that there was a great spirit of openness and strong democracy in society and the electoral process was a clear indicator of it. This means that today the new Uzbekistan, based on democratic principles and continues to follow the national and historical traditions of our great ancestors. Certainly, enriching them even more, and attracts the attention of the whole world as a developing and the modern democratic state.

The presidential elections become the additional vivid manifestation of the high political thought and wisdom of our people.  This is an integral and logical continuation of the successive reforms that happens in all spheres, including political and judiciary, socio-economic, spiritual and educational fields of the new Uzbekistan.

Presidential elections: a very positive evaluation of the effective Strategy of Action and expression of high confidence towards the Strategy of a new Uzbekistan.

The elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is not just election where people only elected the head of state, but they also choose the future of the new Uzbekistan. They voted for their future. In addition, they support the intensive reforms and the rapid democratic transformations within the framework of the Action Strategy, which implemented practically over the past five years.

Uzbek people confirmed their support and commitment to the effectively implemented initiatives of the head of state – Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the author of this strategic program, a true patriot and self-sacrificing person.

The fundamental changes took place in all spheres of the country’s life in a short period of time under the leadership of the newly elected President. Our country developed so intensively and the life of the people become more prosperous and it is the result of the successful internal and foreign policy followed by the head of state.

Reforms have an aim of to develop and strength the legislative coordination in socio-economic and spiritual-political field of country and the reforms consists of democratic principles. We notice the significant improvement the quality and standard of life among the people and it is the practical result of the reforms. The rights of citizens, their human dignity is very important and priority.

Today the motto “For human dignity!” is widely recognized in Uzbekistan. At the same time, it is important that the principle “It is not the people who serve the state apparatus, but the state apparatus must serve the people” consistently introduced into our practical life. The creation of the People’s Receptions and the Virtual Reception under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan showed that the person will not lose his dignity and will retain his authority and treated with respect. The state will find quick and effective solutions for all issues.


We find so many new friends and close partners. Over a thousand international and foreign media observers and representatives from all over world recognized that the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were transparent and took place in the atmosphere of openness and freedom according to the principles of democracy, law and justice.

The people of Uzbekistan expressed absolute confidence that they are together with the leader of the nation Shavkat Mirziyoyev. They are ready to participate in the construction of a New Uzbekistan. Voters once again actively supported with their votes the creative, selfless and extremely responsible work of the President of Uzbekistan and his activities as the great founder of the third political and economic Renaissance in Uzbekistan.

The main thing is that today the Uzbek people have the great goals within the framework of the new Development Strategy of Uzbekistan, described in the book of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev “The Strategy of the New Uzbekistan”. And if we unite together around this noble path, if we work together as a whole, then we will certainly achieve ambitious goals regardless of all hardships.

New Uzbekistan and a new electoral worldview

The one of the most important points consist of the fact this presidential election clearly demonstrated the formation of a new electoral worldview in the new Uzbekistan. This reflected in the growing political activity of citizens and also with the feeling of the ownership to the fate of the new Uzbekistan, and therefore to its own future, the future of new generations.

We should also note the essential moment of the today’s presidential elections for the future development and prosperity of the Motherland, and for improvement the life standards of the citizens. Therefore, the country carefully and vividly prepared for this important fateful political event. This is was the historical moment the elections organized absolutely according to all specific details of the Electoral Code.

The citizens implement their right to elect and be elected to representative bodies of state power and it is a fundamental part of our Constitution. Elections are the main indicator of a legal democratic state, free expression of the will of the people. The complete new electoral system created in the country the new conception. Citizens fully understand and practically realize their most important political rights.

The electoral process took place according to the norms of international law, the principles of transparency, multiparty system, freedom and equality. People see the particular importance of their participation in the election campaign including secret voting, and the direct implementation of this right by each citizen is the historical moment.

Almost all international and national observers noted that polling stations overcrowded on Election Day. The positive and optimistic mood of the voters also attracted attention. This attributes the increase the level of the political culture among the population.

The active participation of our citizens in voting and their sincere fulfillment of their constitutional duty is vivid evidence that the people of Uzbekistan are not ignorant to the future of their Motherland. The main thing is that such activity manifested in the same way in all regions of the country and abroad.

The constitutional duty of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan as the head of state is the coordination and cooperation of all public institutions. The President is responsible for the internal and foreign policy in the country, improvements the economic conditions of the people. He is a guarantor of the stability and security of the country and is not an easy task. For that reason, the people deeply realized that the great importance of voting for a responsible candidate in the elections. The elections confirmed that people understood their responsibility.

Summarizing all these detailed ideas, we can say that the transformation of the worldview is a huge achievement. If people change consciousness and worldview, then their life will certainly change in a positive manner. Thus, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev states that, “we will together definitely implement the Strategy for the Development of New Uzbekistan! Let’s build a new Uzbekistan together! And we will create together the foundation of the third Renaissance. “

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