North Korea’s Moves in the Context of Asia-Pacific Geopolitics


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North Korea’s threats at the international level have been increasing since last year. In 2022, Pyongyang significantly increased its nuclear power compared to previous years and conducted numerous short- and long-range ballistic missile tests. North Korea, which has declared itself a nuclear power, has increased security concerns in the Asia-Pacific and around the world.

These developments pushed the Western Alliance, led by the United States of America (USA), to take measures to deter North Korea. The USA, South Korea and Japan cooperated in the region, organized exercises and made harsh statements. However, all these efforts have produced no result other than provoking North Korea further. In addition, a bill to impose sanctions on North Korea’s nuclear activities was prepared in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), but was not accepted. Ultimately, the US-led, Western-based South Korea-Japan alliance failed to stop North Korea.

Based on these events, we can conclude that the “North Korean threat” will not decrease in the near future and may even increase. For example, on December 16, 2022, the North Korean Government Official News Agency (KCNA) reported that the country had developed a new strategic weapon, and that this weapon was a “high thrust solid fuel” engine, under the control of Kim Jong Un and North Korea’s Sohae Satellite Launch. He reported that it was tested in the field. It was emphasized that Pyongyang will accelerate its nuclear missile programs with this test.[1]

On December 18, 2022, the South Korean Chief of General Staff detected two medium-range ballistic missiles fired from the Tongchang-ri region of North Korea. It was announced that the missiles were fired in a high orbit and flew approximately 500 kilometers.[2] South Korean and American intelligence followed these developments closely.[3]

American officials, including US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, have warned about the possibility of a seventh test in the near future. US Defense Intelligence Agency Director Major General Scott Berrier said in March this year that North Korea had become “much more dangerous” as it expanded its missile and nuclear weapons inventory, adding: “They continue to pursue lethal activities with greater determination.” he said. However, North Korean officials portray the development of nuclear weapons as a way to defend itself against threats from the United States, South Korea and Japan.

As a result, Pyongyang is increasing its missile tests and designing new technological devices. Some countries feel the threat of North Korea more for geographical and geostrategic reasons. Therefore, South Korea aims to increase efforts to denuclearize North Korea and return it to negotiations. Western powers expect support from China in this regard. South Korea; In addition to establishing an alliance with the USA and Japan, it also requests help from China and the International Atomic Energy Agency. It seems that the West will need China more to calm North Korea and ensure regional security.

[1] “North Korea Says It Tested “High-Thrust Solid-Fuel Motor”, Al Jazeera,, (Access Date: 11.11.2023).

[2] “North Korea Confirms “Important” Spy Satellite Test for April Launch”, Channel News Asia,, (Access Date: 11.08.2023).

[3] “North Korea Fires 2 Ballistic Missiles: Seoul’s Military”, Channel News Asia,, (Access Date: 11.08.2023).

Zeki Talustan GÜLTEN
Zeki Talustan GÜLTEN
Zeki Talustan Gülten graduated from Yalova University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations in 2021 with his graduation thesis titled "American Foreign Policy" and from Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty, Department of Foreign Trade in 2023. Gülten, who is currently pursuing her Master's Degree with Thesis at Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations, was a student at the Faculty of International and Political Studies at Lodz University for a semester within the framework of the Erasmus+ program during her undergraduate education. Working as an Asia-Pacific Research Assistant at ANKASAM, Gülten's main areas of interest are American Foreign Policy, Asia-Pacific and International Law. Gülten is fluent in English.

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