The Future of the British Royal Family


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II. After the death of Elizabeth III, appointed King of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations. Charles’ coronation was held on May 6, 2023. The continuation of the British monarchy, which has become one of the polemic subjects of recent times and whose future has been questioned, has been confirmed with this ceremony. However, this confirmation did not help to clear some doubts about the monarchy. On the contrary, the number of people who question the place, duty and functions of the monarchy in today’s world has increased.

At the same time III. Charles’ coronation was the first to take place in the UK in 70 years. Finally, in 1953, II. The coronation ceremony of Elizabeth and the current ceremony took place under very different conditions. In those years, the United Kingdom, having emerged victorious from the Second World War, was driven to rebuild its economy as an overseas colonial empire and regain its leading position in the world. The ceremony was therefore accompanied by an air of widespread optimism. Today, the United Kingdom is faced with a completely different conjuncture.

The UK is currently in a deep political and economic crisis. While the post-Brexit economic crisis deepens in the country, the UK is losing its political influence in the national arena along with the economic crisis. Therefore, in such an environment, III. Expenditures for Charles’ coronation were met with surprise by some British sections.

In the midst of the economic crisis, inflation rates in the UK reached around 10%; The government’s lavish funding of an anachronistic ceremony has drawn criticism. These criticisms drew attention to the fact that the British monarchy is the only monarchy in the world that still crowns its kings. However, during the coronation ceremony in line with British traditions, III. Charles swore to uphold the Protestant law and faith. But while this oath was fulfilled; Rishi Sunak, the only non-Christian Prime Minister in the history of the United Kingdom, also attended the ceremony. Therefore, the ceremony took place in contradictions.

Aware of all these contradictions and criticisms, King Charles has made some efforts to adapt the coronation ceremony to the 21st century. In this context, for the first time, representatives of other non-Protestant Christian denominations settled in England were also included in the ceremony. But III. This time, Charles has become the target of conservative groups.

Also, III. He also staged some protests during Charles’ coronation. These groups were led by young individuals such as the UK Anti-Monarchy Movement. Therefore, while the opposition of the young generation to the monarchy rises in the United Kingdom; The protests also led to the detention of some people.[1]

On the other hand, the King of the United Kingdom is also the King of the Commonwealth of Nations. This community includes developed countries such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The United Kingdom uses this position to consolidate its influence and soft power in its foreign policy.

Similarly, the Royal Family is a family closely followed by the international media and the public. As can be expected, even scandals and crises in the family are quickly on the agenda of the international media. Therefore, thanks to these qualities, the Royal Family; is a global brand that can make major contributions to the UK economy through media revenues, tourism and merchandise.

In addition, the monarchy offers a strong identity to the United Kingdom, which has been dragged from crisis to crisis, brings together different elements within the Kingdom on a common ground and provides relative stability in the country.

Finally, perhaps the real question to ask is not whether the Royal family has a place in the 21st century; It is the future of the royal family. So that; After Brexit, England, the center of the Royal family, continues to have problems with Scotland and Northern Ireland. While these problems continue, Scotland and Northern Ireland, as a requirement of his duty, the new king III. He doubts that Charles will be able to act impartially towards them.

On the other hand, powerful members of the Commonwealth of Nations are Canada, Australia and New Zealand; II. Throughout Elizabeth’s reign, she remained loyal to the English throne and did not change her forms of government. However, III. It is unclear whether these countries will retain their forms of government after Charles’ accession to the throne. Because in the recent past, some local leaders from Australia, the Caribbean, Canada, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea signed and III. In a letter to Charles, a formal apology was requested from the Royal family. The racism, oppression, colonialism that has been applied to them for centuries and the slavery that they were subjected to in the past were put forward as the justification for the apology. In addition to the apology, financial compensation was requested from the United Kingdom and the return of cultural treasures stolen in the historical process was requested.[2] Therefore, III. As Charles was crowned, new problems awaiting the United Kingdom began to come to light.

[1] “A Human-Rights Nightmare. Anti-Monarchy Protesters Have Already Been Arrested at King Charles III’s Coronation”, Time,, (Date of Accession: 06.05.2023).

[2] “Commonwealth Indigenous Leaders Demand Apology from the King for Effects of Colonisation”, The Guardian,, (Date of Accession: 04.05.2023).

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