

Early Election Decision of President Mirziyoyev in the Construction Process of “New Uzbekistan” Centering on “Human-Society-State”

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Since 2016, Uzbekistan has come to the fore with important reforms and liberalization steps that put people at the center. In this context, the “New Uzbekistan Movement” and the “Third Renaissance” period, initiated under the leadership of President Şevket Mirziyoyev, within the framework of the “human-society-state” systematic; the construction process of the sovereign, social, legal, democratic and secular State of Uzbekistan continues resolutely. In this context, 9 July 2023 has already taken its place in this great march as the “Second Great Milestone” for the Uzbek people, who strongly say “Yes” to the New “Society-State Agreement” in which the understanding of “My Constitution-My State” is at the center.

As it is known, Mr. Mirziyoyev, who is the leader of Uzbekistan, revealed that as a result of the reforms he carried out, a major part of the constitution needs to be revised in parallel with the progress in the country and the modern world. A Constitutional Referendum was held for the first time in Uzbekistan on April 30, 2023, in order to reform both the Constitution and the administrative system. The referendum, in which 90 percent of the Uzbek people said “yes”, the administration and the society; that is, a strong bond and trust has been established between the center and the periphery, and thus an important threshold has been crossed in terms of strengthening the state-nation unity.

With this referendum, Uzbekistan entered a process of change. Centering the construction of a new “human-society-state” system, this wind of change is showing itself at full speed.

While it is seen that Uzbekistan has entered a new phase thanks to the constitutional referendum; Mr. Mirziyoyev has announced his decision on the early Presidential Election, which is planned to be held on 9 July 2023. On the occasion of this decision, Mr. Mirziyoyev showed a different democratic maturity than many leaders in the world, sacrificing his three-and-a-half-year mandate and showing that he is a leader who listens to the voice of the people. With this decision, Mr. Mirziyoyev took a step towards strengthening the new system developed by the constitutional referendum. Thus, he showed that the supreme power in the country is the law and the constitution is the basic text that must be obeyed by everyone, and in this context, it respects the will of the people and its decision, which was registered on April 30.

Adopting the supremacy and sanctity of law as a principle, Mr. Mirziyoyev acts with the aim of revising the current political order according to the system established by referendum. Because the changed constitution brings new duties and powers to various authorities and institutions, from the parliament to the government, from ministers to governors. Through this election, it will be easier to realize the determined tasks as soon as possible and to use the said authorities. In this context, the main task of the parliament is undoubtedly to improve the laws. The task of the Senate is to solve problems, support local councils and successfully implement laws down to the smallest units. Of course, this situation requires a strong cooperation between the management level and institutions.

However, as it is known, Mr. Mirziyoyev transferred his various powers to the parliament with the constitutional amendment. In Uzbekistan, where the management system and authorities were reformed, Mr. Mirziyoyev reduced his powers; It also wants the new system to be implemented as soon as possible. Because the new system means new balances and dynamics. Therefore, there has been a need to make an early election decision in order for the stones to be placed in their place as soon as possible. In this context, the decision of early elections can be considered as a manifestation of the respect for the “Renewed-Strengthened Constitution” and the will of the people, which is based on the sound and strong implementation of reforms that contain urgency and necessity as soon as possible.

The early election decision has been an indicator of the importance given to change and political stability in the country.

One of the main reasons for this decision, which shows the importance of people-state unity and the importance of people’s participation in politics in this context, is that Mr. Mirziyoyev wanted to see the approval and strong support of the Uzbek people within the scope of the redesigned system. Therefore, Mr. Mirziyoyev once again proved that he is open to the will and decision of the people, and that this comes first, with this early election decision.

This decision undoubtedly reaffirmed Mr. Mirziyoyev’s sense of trust with the Uzbek people and his belief in the new system.

After the election, the system based on the slogan of “human-society-state”, which is the new roadmap of Uzbekistan, will be fully implemented and a healthy order centered on human dignity will be established. Therefore, Mr. Mirziyoyev’s election decision is a reflection of a strong will regarding the construction process of “New Uzbekistan” and overcoming a critical corner.

It is known that Mr. Mirziyoyev is a leader who wants the welfare, peace, stability of his society and the development of his country, and aims to build a strong and sovereign state. The reforms he implemented during his presidency are proof of this. For example, Mr. Mirziyoyev included the concept of “social state” in the constitution through the referendum dated April 30, 2023. This is a concrete indication of the duty placed on the state in terms of the welfare of the people.

There is no doubt that; the welfare of the people depends on economic development, which in turn depends on foreign direct and indirect investments. As a matter of fact, political stability and a healthy system are needed for the sustainable development of the country’s economy and for trusting foreign capital. For this reason, Mr. Mirziyoyev has shown that the constitution is the basic text to be taken into account in the development of the country. In this way, Mr. Mirziyoyev, who gave the message to the business world that Uzbekistan is a successful state of law, laid the foundation of a strong state system, a stable political structure and a liberal economic policy. With this early election decision, the consistency and determination of discourse-action has been demonstrated to the whole world.

Uzbek people, who have an ancient culture and act with the experience of strong civilization ties, support the current reforms and desire the implementation of new reforms. However, the people of Uzbekistan also want the decisions taken to be implemented as soon as possible. The popular support for the referendum is the outcome of this. The architect of these reforms is Mirziyoyev, the leader of the Third Renaissance, who put his power on the people.

President Mr. Mirziyoyev; As a strong-willed, constructive, foresighted and visionary leader, he has succeeded in making his country one of the most prestigious states in regional and global politics. At this point, the early Presidential Election decision is a proof of Mr. Mirziyoyev’s trust and respect for the Uzbek people and democratic principles.

Therefore, the election will form a strong basis for the steps to be taken towards the future within the framework of state-nation unity in Uzbekistan. On July 9, the Uzbek people will undoubtedly make the right decision. Because the Uzbek people are aware of the necessity of building stability and a strong and prosperous Uzbekistan at a time when crises are on the rise. In this context, 9 July will be a date when the leader who will undertake the construction process of “My State”, which took place on April 30 and received approval, will be determined by the will of the people. The Uzbek people will entrust the key on April 30 to its owner on July 9 to unlock it. Thus, the “April 30 Will” will be riveted with the step on July 9.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Seyfettin EROL
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Seyfettin EROL
Born in 1969, Dörtyol-Hatay, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Seyfettin Erol graduated from Boğaziçi University (BU), Department of Political Science and International Relations in 1993. After completing his master's degree at BU in 1995, Erol was accepted to the PhD program at BU in the same year. After completing his PhD at Ankara University in 2005, Erol became an associate professor in the field of “International Relations” in 2009 and a professor in 2014. Erol worked at the Eurasian Center for Strategic Studies (ASAM) between 2000 and 2006 and and served as the General Coordinator of ASAM for a period. In 2009, he served as also Founding Chairman and Board Member of the Institute for Strategic Thinking (SDE). He is also the Founding President of the Center for International Strategy and Security Studies (USGAM) and the President of the International Relations Institute of the New Türkiye Strategic Research Center (YTSAM). Prof. Erol has also served as the Director of Gazi University Strategic Research Center (GAZISAM). In 2007, Prof. Erol received the “Turkish World Service Award” from the Writers and Artists Foundation of the Turkic World (TÜRKSAV), and has received numerous awards for his academic work and his activities in the media. Some of them can be listed as follows: 2013 “Print Media of the Year Award” by the Association of Contemporary Democrats, 2015 “APM 10th Year Service Award”, “2015 Press-Intellectual of the Year Award” by the Writers' Union of Türkiye (YTB), “2016 Volunteer Ambassadors Media Honor Award” by the Anatolian Village Guards and Martyrs' Families, “2016 Türkiye Honor Award” by the Yoruk Turkmen Federations. Prof. Erol has 15 book studies. The names of some of them are as follows: “The United States of Turks from Dream to Reality”, “Türkiye-EU Relations: Foreign Policy and Internal Structure Problems”, “The New Great Game in Eurasia”, “The Search for Strategy in Turkish Foreign Policy”, “The Search for Security in Turkish Foreign Policy”, “The Republic of Türkiye-Russian Federation Relations”, “The Cold Organization of Hot Peace: The New NATO”, “Theoretical Approaches in Foreign Policy Analysis: The Case of Turkish Foreign Policy”, “Crises and Crisis Management: Actors and Case Studies”, “Kazakhstan” and “Current Issues in International Relations”. Since 2002, Prof. Erol, who has carried out radio programs such as “Eurasia Agenda”, “Strategic Perspective”, “Global Perspective”, “Analysis”, “File”, “News Desk”, “The Other Side of the Agenda” on TRT Türkiye's voice and TRT Radio 1 (Ankara Radio), made the programs “Arayış” on TRT INT television between 2004-2007, “Beyond the Border” on Kanal A television between 2007-2010 and “Foreign Policy Agenda” on BBN TÜRK television in 2020-2021. Prof. Erol, whose foreign policy column “Arayış” was published in Milli Gazete between 2012-2018, is consulted for his expertise in numerous national and international media outlets such as television, radio, newspapers, news websites and magazines. Prof. Erol, who also taught at Gazi University Department of International Relations and Ankara University Latin American Studies Center (LAMER) between 2006-2018, has been continuing his academic career as a faculty member at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Department of International Relations since 2018. Since 2006, Prof. Erol has also taught in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Ufuk University. The main areas of interest and expertise of Prof. Erol and the titles of his courses at the undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels in this area are as follows: “Geopolitics”, “Security”, “Intelligence”, “Crisis Management”, “Current Issues in International Relations”, “Turkish Foreign Policy”, “Russian Foreign Policy”, “US Foreign Policy” and “Central Asia and South Asia”. Prof. Erol, whose articles-evaluations have been published in many journals and newspapers, has been editor of academic journals such as “Eurasia File”, “Strategic Analysis”, “Strategic Thinking”, “Gazi Regional Studies”, “The Journal of SSPS”, “Black Sea Studies”. He is currently in the editorial boards of “Regional Studies,” “International Crisis and Political Research,” “Gazi Academic View”, “Ege University Turkish World Surveys”, “Ankara International Social Sciences”, “Democracy Platform”. Prof. Erol, who has been working as the Founding President of the Ankara Center for Crisis and Political Studies (ANKASAM) since 2016, is married and has three children.