Efforts to Strengthen the Regional Security Environment: Visit of the President of Kazakhstan to Sochi


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Kazakhstan has acted with an approach that prioritizes protecting its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity since its independence, and therefore, it has implemented a multi-vector diplomacy approach that considers the balance of power centers in its foreign policy. In this framework, Kazakhstan has focused on developing relations with many countries in the world that prioritize mutual interests; therefore, shaped by a positive-sum approach. Relations established within the framework of equality and mutual respect are now being taken to a higher level under the leadership of the President of Kazakhstan, Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

It should be noted that Mr. Tokayev’s policies have increased and are increasing the economic gains of the country, as well as the establishment of internal and external security. Of course, this approach has enabled Kazakhstan to reach investments. This offers the Kazakh people a prosperous future. For this reason, the most important pillar of the New Kazakhstan construction process is the multi-vector foreign policy understanding. The constructive relations developed under the leadership of Mr. Tokayev also serve the security of the country. In this context, Kazakhstan under the leadership of Mr. Tokayev; while establishing positive relations with great powers such as Russia, the United States of America (US), China, the European Union (EU); in the context of Central Asia-South Asia connectivity, it attaches importance to its relations with the states of the region and carries out integration processes with the countries of the Turkic World, especially with Türkiye.

As a reflection of the multidimensional foreign policy approach, Mr. Tokayev visited the Sochi on August 19, 2022. According to the statement made after the visit, the two states are planning to conduct a joint military exercise. This confirms that Kazakhstan implements constructive policies based on cooperation at the point of establishment of regional security. Because, in Eurasian geopolitics, which is known for instability and wanted to be dragged into chaos, Kazakhstan, like every nation state, is trying to establish its own survival and security.

In fact, one of the most preferred methods of states with the desire to maintain their security and sovereignty is to join alliances. However, it is also seen that the alliances established from time to time deepen the instability by increasing the polarization in the world. Despite these risks, Central Asian states, especially Kazakhstan, display a healthy stance with an approach that takes care of the balances between power centers. In other words, Kazakhstan and other regional countries are developing strategies that give priority to improving the regional security, cooperation, and welfare environment.

At this point, to return to Mr. Tokayev’s visit to Sochi, the emphasis on joint exercises between the two countries should be mentioned. Because Kazakhstan participated in the “Regional Cooperation-2022” military exercise in August 2022, in which Mongolia and Pakistan, as well as the US and other Central Asian countries, were involved. This indicates that the Nur-Sultan administration aims to increase the security of Eurasia by cooperating with various actors. In other words, Kazakhstan does not want the region to be a place of competition between the great powers and tries to establish regional security through the cooperation it has developed with different states.

It can be said that military-level agreements and exercises have an important place in maintaining friendship and solidarity and strengthening regional peace in a multi-faceted foreign policy. For this reason, Kazakhstan’s participation in drills with Russia on the one hand and on the other hand, its participation in joint exercises with the US can be said to be a confirmation of the multi-vector foreign policy approach of the Nur-Sultan administration.

Undoubtedly, the priority of the Central Asian states and of all states that implement a multi-faceted foreign policy in general is to develop healthy relations with different actors, strengthen friendships, and ensure internal and external security. This approach, which prioritizes the establishment of regional stability and strong relations, especially in the face of increasing crises in the world, both contributes to internal and external security and serves to create a lasting peace environment at the global level. In this context, the summit held in Sochi is extremely important. Because Kazakhstan puts the improvement of the regional security environment at the center of its actions.

Another decision taken in Sochi is related to drills again. Because, during the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mr. Tokayev, it was decided to hold various exercises within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). This situation ensures that the relations between the member states become much more institutionalized and that the framework of the search for security stands on a certain ground.

As it is known, Eurasia is a geography which is open to instability due to interventions and provocations. This brings along the perception of various threats by the countries of the region. The most important example of this is the Tragic January Events at the beginning of 2022. During the events, Kazakhstan had to face the reality of terrorism; however, Mr. Tokayev’s prudent political understanding that puts people at the center made it easier to overcome this crisis. However, it is essential to strengthen regional and global cooperation to prevent similar security threats.

During the visit of Mr. Tokayev to Sochi, attention was drawn to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of relations between Kazakhstan and Russia. In this context, the parties have also made a declaration of intent to strengthen bilateral relations. However, Kazakhstan and Russia have the longest common land border in the world. This situation means that an instability that can be experienced in Central Asia in general and in Kazakhstan will adversely affect Russia. Therefore, it is quite normal for the parties to strengthen their cooperation within the framework of the common threat perception.

It is possible to say that the meeting held in Sochi had two main features. First, Mr. Tokayev has made it clear that his country is determined to maintain its multi-vector foreign policy approach. Because Kazakhstan is aware that it can establish its independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and unitary structure in the least costly and most powerful way with this system. This policy, which serves the search for internal and external security and has been implemented since the independence of the country, has matured at the current stage, settled on a healthy ground, and has turned Kazakhstan into a rising pole star in the middle of the Great Steppe. Therefore, Mr. Tokayev visited Sochi as part of his work to continue this approach.

Secondly, Kazakhstan believes that Central Asia and Eurasia in general can become a center of peace, prosperity and security. Therefore, it acts with an approach that rejects polarization. As a reflection of this, the Kazakhstan Army, while conducting joint exercises with the US; on the other hand, it is developing relations with Russia.

Secondly, Kazakhstan believes that Central Asia and Eurasia in general can become a center of peace, prosperity, and security. Therefore, it acts with an approach that rejects polarization. As a reflection of this, the Kazakhstan Army, while conducting joint exercises with the US; On the other hand, it is developing relations with Russia.

As a result, although Mr. Tokayev’s visit to Sochi is a development that serves the development of Kazakhstan-Russia relations, it would be an incomplete assessment to read the issue as limited to that. Because Mr. Tokayev does not only focus on the development of relations on the Nur-Sultan-Moscow line with the policies he implements; far beyond this, he presents a roadmap that focuses on ensuring regional security.

Dr. Doğacan BAŞARAN
Dr. Doğacan BAŞARAN
Dr. Doğacan BAŞARAN, 2014 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü’nden mezun olmuştur. Yüksek lisans derecesini, 2017 yılında Giresun Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Uluslararası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı’nda sunduğu ‘’Uluslararası Güç İlişkileri Bağlamında İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Hegemonik Mücadelelerin İncelenmesi’’ başlıklı teziyle almıştır. Doktora derecesini ise 2021 yılında Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Uluslararası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı‘nda hazırladığı “İmparatorluk Düşüncesinin İran Dış Politikasına Yansımaları ve Milliyetçilik” başlıklı teziyle alan Başaran’ın başlıca çalışma alanları Uluslararası ilişkiler kuramları, Amerikan dış politikası, İran araştırmaları ve Afganistan çalışmalarıdır. Başaran iyi derecede İngilizce ve temel düzeyde Farsça bilmektedir.

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