Oleg Glazunov, Associate Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the Russian State University of Economics: “Expressing its search for multipolarity, India implements a multi-faceted foreign policy.”

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India has made progress in each area in recent years.  With the influence of the tradition of non-alignment in foreign policy, the country carries out a multi-faceted diplomacy and defends the multipolar world.

In this context, Ankara Center for Crisis and Policy Studies (ANKASAM) presents the views of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oleg Glazunov from the Department of Political Science and Sociology at the Russian State University of Economics to evaluate Indian foreign policy.

  1. Do you think India can become a superpower in the 21st century?

As is well known, India has a goal of taking its rightful place in the new world order. Obviously, India is a big and powerful country economically. Therefore, it wants to be on par with global powers. In this sense, it is among the great powers such as the United States of America (USA), Russia and China. At this point, it should be emphasized that New Delhi knows that if it acts only with the West, it is unlikely to achieve its geopolitical goals. This is why India, which has expressed its quest for multipolarity, pursues a multilateral foreign policy.

  1. How do you evaluate the relationship between the USA and India?

The US appears to be pressuring India to abandon its independent policy. It should be noted that, despite everything, the US influence on India is limited. Moreover, if New Delhi faces too much pressure from Washington, it may even reactively seek a deal with Beijing.

However, it can also be said that India does not want to sever its relations with the West. This is a policy adopted by the New Delhi administration in line with its own national interests. Therefore, it can be predicted that India will continue with this policy. Historically, it can be stated that India has a tradition of choosing the most profitable path for itself, as in the current situation.

  1. Do you think there is a risk of war between India and China?

India is not an aggressive and militaristic country. Therefore, the option of war has always been seen as a weak possibility by New Delhi. In fact, Chinese society also stands out as a peaceful people. Both countries are rather uncomfortable with Western hegemony. But India is naturally a powerful country with its vast territory, ancient civilization, philosophy, dynamic and industrious population and natural resources, and is not afraid of any actor. However, it would be unrealistic to claim that India currently perceives a serious threat that would require it to mobilize all its forces.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oleg Glazunov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oleg Glazunov is an associate professor at the Department of Political Science and Sociology, Russian State University of Economics. From 1995 to 1999, he worked as a deputy of the Russian State Duma, first in the Russian Security Committee and then in the Russian Transformation and High Technologies Committee. Glazunov has been working as a lecturer at the Russian State University of Economics since 2007.  His main field of study is geopolitical theories.

Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı'na bağlı ADA Üniversitesi'nin Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümünde (2013-2018) lisansını yapan Kenan AĞAZADE, değişim programıyla Büyük Britanya'daki Glasgow Üniversitesi'nde okumuştur (2016-2017). Yüksek lisansını Küresel Politika ve Toplumsal Değişim alanında (2018-2020) İsveç'teki Malmö Üniversitesi'nden tamamlayan Kenan AĞAZADE, İsveç'te Rusya ve Kafkasya Bölgesel Araştırma Merkezi'nde (2019-2020) araştırma görevlisi olarak çalışmıştır. İyi derecede Rusça, İngilizce ve İsveççe bilmektedir.


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