

Trade between Russia and China increased by 27.7 per cent in the first 10 months of the year

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According to data published by the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, in January-October 2023, the volume of trade between Russia and China increased by 27.7% year-on-year to $ 196.48.

According to Chinese customs statistics, China imported 12.4% more goods from Russia compared to the same period in 2022, and the volume reached $ 106.4 billion.

Russia, in turn, bought 52.2% more goods from China compared to the first 10 months of last year, purchasing goods worth $ 90.08 billion.

In October, trade volume between the two countries decreased by 9% compared to the same period in 2022 to $19.79 billion.

The main items of Russia’s exports to China were commodities such as oil, natural gas and coal.

Russia imported consumer electronics and appliances, computers, industrial equipment and vehicles from China.

Abdul Rahim FATAH
Abdul Rahim FATAH
2013 yılında Balkh Üniversitesi Hukuk ve Siyaset Bilimi Fakültesinde Siyaset Bilimi Bölümünden mezun oldu. Akademik düzeyde çeşitli makaleleri ve çalışmaları bulunan Abdul Rahim FATAH, Ortadoğu ülkeleri üzerine çalışmalarına devam etmektedir. Türkçenin yanı sıra İngilizce, Farsça, Urduca, Özbekçe ve Türkmence dillerini iyi derecede bilmektedir.