
Palestine Resolution at the UN General Assembly

The resolution, which gives new rights to Palestine and revives the goal of UN membership, will increase the recognition of Palestine in the international arena.
The door has been opened for Palestine to join international organizations.
Palestine’s application for full membership to the UN 2011 was rejected by the Security Council with a US veto.


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On May 10, 2024, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly overwhelmingly approved the granting of new rights and privileges to Palestine and invited the UN Security Council to reconsider Palentine’s membership request.

In the resolution on Palestine in the 193 member UN General Assembly; There were 25 abstentions, 143 votes in favor and 9 votes against.The United States of America (USA), Israel, Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea voted negatively.[1]

While many countries have expressed gerat support for Palestine’s full membership in the UN, they have shown concern about the increase in the death toll in Gaza and a majör Israeli attack on Rafah, where approximately 1.3 million Palestinians have taken refuge. At the same time, support for the Palestinians has increased. This is a symbolic victory fort he war, which has turned into a majör humanitarian crisis, to strengthen Palestine’s status in the international arena.

A few weeks after Israel launched a military offensive in response to Hamas, the UN General Assembly voted 120 in favor, 14 against and 45 abstentions, and a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

Palestine’s application for full membership to the UN in 2011 was rejected by the Security Council with a US veto. As a result of the decision taken on May 10, 2024, while some new rights and privileges were granted to Palestine, it was once again confirmed that it will continue to remain in the status of a “non-member observer state” and that is does not have full UN membership or the right to vote in the General Assembly.In addition, it can be said that unless the United States overcomes important issues such as security, borders and the future of Jerulasem through direct negotiations with Israel, it will negatively affect the membership status of Palestine.With in framework of the statement made by the US Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Robert Wood, it was stated that Washington supports the Palestinian state, but that Israel’s security and future must be guaranteed, and that the Palestinians can live in peace and tranquility in their own state.[2]

According to the UN Charter, future members of the United Nations must be “peace-loving” and must be recommended by the UN Security Council to be admitted to the General Assembly: [3]

“Article  4. 1. All other peace-loving States which have accepted the obligations imposed by the present Charter and which have been judged by the organization to be capable and willing to fulfill  them may become members of the United Nations.

Article 4. 2. The admission of any state that complies with these conditions to the United Nations shall be by resolution of the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council.’’

Since there was no veto in the UN General Assembly, the number of votes cast to approve the resolution required a two-thirds majority, and Palestine obtained a minimum of more than 118 votes. As a result of this decision, it was determined that the state of Palestine was suitable for membership and it was recommended that the UN Security Council reconsider its request positively.

The growing pressure for Palestine’s full membership in the UN has been driven by the humanitarian crisis that has angered many states in the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict.Before the vote,Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador to the UN, said in an emotional speech, “No words can describe what such loss and trauma means to Palestinians, their families, their communities, and our nation as a whole”.[4]

It is stated that the original draft of the resolution has been substantially amended in order to address the concerns of the USA, China and Russia.The first draft would provide privileges for Palestine, which included being on an equal footing with the member states.Russia and China were verysupportive of Palestine’s membership in the UN. But they were concerned about the granting of additional rights and privileges that could serve as an example for other UN members.[5]

The resolution on Palestine icludes the right to speak on all issues, to propose agenda items, and the serve on the main committees of the General Assembly, not only those related to Palestine and the Middle East. As a result of this stuation, the recognition of Palestine in the international conferences organized by the UN, but are not allowed to vote.

As a result, the Palestinian Authority’s application for UN membership in 2011 failed because it could not receive the necessary support from the UN Security Council.In the UN General Assembly, it succeeded in raising their status to the status of a non-member observer state with more than two-thirds of the vote.However, the door has been opened for Palestine to join international organizations.At the same time, altough EU member states such as Ireland and Spain have announced their intention to officially recognize Palestine in the future, the US’s persistent policy of not recognizing Palestine has the potential to increase the pressure on the US while strengthening the states support for Palestine.The resolution, which gives new rights to Palestine and revives the goal of UN membership, will increase the recognition of Palestine in the international arena.

[1] “UN assembly approves resolution granting Palestine new rights and reviving its UN membership bid”, Politico, (Date of Access: 10.05.2024).

[2] Ibid.

[3] “Charter of the United Nations  (26 Haziran 1945)”,, (Date of Access:11.05.24).

[4] “UN assembly approves resolution granting Palestine new rights and reviving its UN membership bid”, a.g.e., (Date of Access:10.05.24).

[5] Ibid.

Yaren ÜVEZ
Yaren ÜVEZ
Yaren ÜVEZ graduated from Cappadocia University, Department of Political Science and International Relations in 2023 with her graduation thesis titled “Turkey’s EU Accession Negotiation Process”. In the same year, she started her master’s degree in International Relations at Cappadocia University and is still continuing. The main interests of Yaren, who speaks English well; It is the European Union, international security and international law.

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