EU’S Growth Plan: Trust, Reciprocity and Partnership


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From the economic and diplomatic perspective, European Union (EU), is accepted as one of the Pioneer actors in the international system. Thus, the EU facilitates European integration, it not only helps the economic development of European actors, but also strengthens the political existence of the regional states. While international system evolves to multi-centred structure, Brussels pursues expansionist policies towards West-Balkans for protecting its political and economic influence. As Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon stated, the EU’s expansion to the Western Balkans and the East is seen as a geostrategic necessity1.

The dynamics of the global politics changes every day. Especially, West have concerns about the economy and in terms of security. In this context, reactions against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which undertakes to address security concerns, and the increasing economic presence of different actors in the Balkans increase these concerns. In particular, the free trade agreement signed by Serbia with China in October 2023 was seen as a “strategic concern” for the EU in the annual report of the European Commission (EC)2. This statement shows that EU is temperate about China and Russia being in Europe.

 One of the main aims of the West Balkan expansion of EU is ending the continuous problems between Kosovo and Serbia. However, tension between the sides carries risk of conflict which has a chance to affect the security in the region. So, it can be said that Brussels is especially, focusing on this problem. Along with the security problem, this problem is seen as the biggest drawback for integration of these two actors with Europe. So, EU President Ursula von der Leyen stated that for Serbia normalizing the relations with Kosovo is carrying a vital importance in the road of EU3.

Even though there are several problems, the main point that must be dwelled on is the aim of the EU. It can be said that Brussels aims a welfare setting based on trust mutuality and partnership. In this context, it is possible to express that EU’s steps prioritize protecting its influence area and economic interest. Brussel is trying the creating a peace environment in its mediation with annihilating the possible risks. EU Spokesperson Peter Stano’s statement4 that a “balanced” proposal was presented to the parties at the meeting with the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia demonstrates this effort.

The balanced proposal in the question is about Union of Serbian Municipalities. It must be stated that the problems between the two actors are fundamentally shaped by unrecognition. In fact, the result of Kosovo Serbs not participating in the elections held in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo feeds the tension in the region. In addition, statements5 about there are almost no Serbian representatives left in Kosovo institutions due to recent developments makes EU’s efforts to maintain the sustainability of political stability by providing an environment of trust in the region more understandable.

It is seen that Brussels interest towards West Balkans is rising in the last period, which is not a one-sided interest. In fact, Serbia’s interest towards EU cannot be seen even though having strong relations with China and Russia. Serbia’s President Alexandar Vucic seeing EU as “country’s most important economic partner” shows this interest. In addition, the resignation of Security and Information Agency (BIA) Director Aleksandar Vulin, who was included in the sanctions list by the United States of America (USA), can be interpreted as Serbia continuing its balance policy and trying to prevent the parties’ aggressive approach towards itself.

EU is remarkable in the region both economic and diplomatic views. On one hand, Kosovo, on the other hand Serbia shows interest to Brussels, the approach of parties towards each other makes the process uneasy. So that, with foundation of Union of Serbian Municipalities, in the short-term local election can made earlier than planned in North Kosovo. In this situation, Serbia continues its efforts to decreasing the tension would be suitable. As matter of fact, the election in the question can be seen as the first step of the normalization. EC President Leyen; He emphasized the parties’ support for the Union of Serbian Municipalities, that this is the only way forward, strengthening for the security of the continent and the expansion of the EU for strengthening5.

As a result, there is a mutual tendency between Brussels and Serbia. However, one of the topics that should be examined is Belgrade-Moscow relations. Thus, there is deep relation between two actors. In fact, this situation become one of the topics of the EC’s Serbia report. In the report in question, the EC pointed out that Serbia is in line with the EU in foreign policy, that progress is not at the desired level, that relations with Kosovo are the biggest obstacle on the road to the EU, and that strong reforms are needed in the areas of rule of law and freedom of expression6. Even though there are several obstacles in front of the wished result, it is obvious that Brussel will not allow other actors to expand their influence in the area. In this context, EU is pressuring the states in region on one side and on the other side supporting them with giving them many incentives.

It should be noted that the EU has recently accelerated its expansion policy towards the Western Balkans. In this context, the 6-billion-euro growth plan published on November 8, 2023, is quite remarkable. The plan aims to increase economic growth and accelerate socio-economic convergence. The plan in the question, includes, integration of EU’s only market with west Balkan countries, increasing the economic integration with common regional market, accelerating the basic reforms, and increasing financial support for the reforms7. It can be said that expansion towards west Balkans will accelerate, and Brussels is trying to side regional states near itself with the plan in question. It is possible to say that the step-in question is made especially as an incentive for ending the conflict between Serbia and Kosovo

The EU wants to maintain its presence on the continent both economically and in terms of security. Brussels, which took the initiative for the integration of Europe, turned to the Western Balkans as a geostrategic necessity. Because the power struggle in the region and the risk of tensions turning into conflict have been the driving force for Brussels. The EU has put forward an economic integration plan to encourage the Western Balkan countries. It can be claimed that the plan in question is expected to be a motivation, especially in ending the tension between Kosovo and Serbia. It can be argued that Brussels wants to see the Western Balkans in the picture of a prosperous Europe based on trust, reciprocity, and partnership.

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