The Impact of Brexit on the British Economy and UK Foreign Policy in the Future


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Brexit is a term that has been on the agenda for many years and symbolizes the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union (The UK left the EU with the Brexit agreement, thus withdrawing itself from many EU plans, conditions and programs that it had difficulty accepting beforeIt is possible to say that fundamental differences of opinion between the parties are at the heart of the UK’s Decoupling from the Union. Britain has been known as a country that generally prepares the ground for different ideas, unacceptable conditions in relations since 1957, when it took the step of EU membership, and stays away from common policies.  This situation can be better summed up by the UK’s membership of Schengen, which determines the EU’s border and visa policy, and the rejection of the use of the euro, which has become the EU’s common currency.  All of this stems from the fact that Britain is known as the “empire on which the sun never sets” and hence its desire to emphasize the difference between it and other EU countries. All these reasons have led to the UK leaving the EU on February 1, 2020. This development has affected the UK quite a lot from a social and economic point of view.

England has prepared itself for this process with differences such as not being included in the Schengen Area and using sterling instead of euro. The UK’s inability to adapt to the EU’s foreign policies in general and its adoption of an attitude that it is economically and socially superior has facilitated separation. Brexit, which was adopted by taking the opinions of the people in the referendums held in various periods, became clear with the result of the secession obtained by a small margin in the last referendum. It is known that this referendum emerged with the wish of the far-right leader James Cameron to be prime minister for another term. At that time, it is a well-known fact that people with far-right views and pro-Brexit attitudes throughout the country wanted a new referendum. In order to serve as prime minister for another term, Cameron organized his election campaign according to this situation and promised a referendum. Although the result of the referendum was in the direction of separation, Cameron refrained from taking this responsibility and transferred this task to Theresa May’s administration. The Foreign Minister of the time, Boris Johnson, who was at the forefront and willing to leave the Brexit, resigned after Theresa May could not take the situation seriously and obtained the parliamentary majority together with the Conservative Party leadership. This situation has resulted in the approval of Brexit.

It is claimed that the damage done to the British economy by Brexit, which is described as a victory by far-rightists, is equivalent to Covid-19.  It is stated by the authorities that it is not possible for the UK to return to pre-Covid-19 economic conditions within the next 5 years. The majority of the citizens began to appear to complain about this separation, which took place by a small margin. It is also known that in recent years, Brexit and corruption scandals have reduced the confidence of the people of the United Kingdom in the governmentA survey published in the previous days reveals that citizens trust the EU and the European Parliament more than the government. Whether the second referendum, which Boris Johnson blocked with the elections, will bring about separation from the EU is one of the other important situations being discussed.  Accordingly, recent developments and the economic situation show that the British people trust the EU more and are not satisfied with Brexit. This situation may be a method by which British politicians will shape their foreign policy in the future, and the agreements made by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in the name of strengthening economic formations and financial policies are steps that can somewhat restore the British economy. Despite all this, the damage seen is quite large and serious. Sunday agreements with the EU account for a considerable amount of the British economy. Although it is known that this rate, known as 4%, can be recovered with an important economic agreement to be concluded despite the separation, the EU does not look at this agreement very well.

Another chance of the UK is based on re-membership. In this context, the UK Government seems to be preparing for this situation as well. King of England III. It can be said that, together with Charles’s trip to Germany, a new one was added to the travels of the King or Queen, which was seen many times in the history of England, to solve the foreign policy crises. King Charles, who impressed the deputies with his speech in the German Parliament and acted with a constructive rhetoric, may have made this visit a precursor to a possible unification request. On the other hand, the Scotland Agreement signed with the EU in the previous days is also of great importance in terms of UK policy.  The Agreement in question says that the UK’s seats will not be transferred until the European Parliament elections. Although factors such as economic conditions and social difficulties of citizens in obtaining work permits from EU countries increase the desire to reunite, the EU’s attitude shows that they view this situation negatively. This visit of King Charles may reverse expectations and thoughts. Despite the risk of economic deterioration in the future, Britain’s search to find new economic allies may result in its turning to Asia. This situation can be seen as another way out.

As a result, England took a pretty big risk with the decision to leave. The impact of EU separation on the economic reflection of Covid-19 may affect the British economy, sterling and governments in the future. In this context, King Charles’ visits to Europe are of great importance. Even if there is no reversal from Brexit, the UK can restructure its economic agreements with the EU and get through this process with less damage. Factors such as the gradual decline of citizens’ trust in the government and frequent changes in the office of the Prime Minister are factors that negatively affect the economic stabilization.  These factors may raise the possibility of re-membership. In summary, the UK is trying to get out of the process unscathed or with less damage. Although the public seems to regret this, it is not known what kind of agreements the next period may bring or whether this situation will benefit Britain in the long run. In the empire where the sun does not set, time is gradually increasing its importance.

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